History of Animation

This course opens on 03/03/2025.

This course explores the progression and evolution of the field of animation and the visual effects used in entertainment from the past to present. The student will gain insight of the development of the movie industry and those that helped develop and create the dynamic characters, environments and stories they loved as a child. We will delve into the innovations and creative minds that inspire our own. Are you ready for the journey?

This is an on-ground course. You can find details about the campus location here.

Course Outline

Module 1 | The Silent Years of Film

The Silent Years of film and Animation are the foundation of the moving picture industry. The student will discover the creative and magical techniques developed by artists McCay and Max Fleischer that brought memorable characters to life, and into our hearts. These masters of the silent films were able to convey the art of storytelling without any spoken word.

Module 2 | Cel Animation and Multiplane Camera

The art of storytelling continues with the development of Cel-Animation and the Multiplane Camera. The student will discover how these inventions transformed the entertainment industry and the success of the Walt Disney studios.

Module 3 | Disney, Iwerks & the Golden Years of Animation

The student will explore the Golden Years of Animation and the dynamic partnership between Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks. From their early years at Universal and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit to the creation of Mickey Mouse and the Disney Studios, these are the men behind the magic that transformed character animation forever.

Module 4 | Warner Brothers Studios

The students will explore the history of the Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies shorts and artists such as Chuck Jones, Tex Avery, and Mel Blanc, "The Man of Thousand Voices" that created them. The student will cover the contributions of the Warner Brothers Studios in the field of animation and how the development of Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck where some of the most iconic characters ever penciled on paper.

Module 5 | Industrial Light & Magic / Pixar

The entertainment industry would be lifeless without the visual effects to help drive the story. The student will discover the contributions of John Lasseter, George Lucas’s THX, and ILM – Industrial Light & Magic, Steve Jobs and the creation of Pixar. During this time in history, the visual world comes alive in the field of CGI with the contributions of engineers and visionaries.

Module 6 | New Studios

The art of innovative storytelling and visual effects continue with the development of some new iconic creative studios such as DreamWorks, Blue Sky Studios, Sony and Aardman Animation. The students will see the contributions of Steven Spielberg, Tim Burton, and many others and their innovative way of storytelling.

Course Instructor

William Morse William Morse Course Author / Instructor

William Morse is the Chief Executive Director of Arts Atelier 146. He has taught higher education for the past 25+ years building both graphic design and animation courses around the country for colleges and universities. He has built BFA programs for universities in Kentucky, Mississippi, Kansas, and Texas. He is a member of the Board of Directors for the Florence Classical Arts Academy in Florence, Italy–the partner school of Arts Atelier 146. William is a graduate from Texas A&M University with a BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts) in Art and Advertising. He has a MS (Master of Science) in Art from Texas A&M University and an MFA (Master of Fine Arts) in 3D Animation & Visual Effects from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. William and his wife Dana love to travel and spend time with their three children. He loves teaching students and has helped to build Arts Atelier 146 as an industry standard art school in the state of Kentucky.

Course Information

Duration: 6 weeks / On-ground

Intensity: Beginner


Course Schedule

This course is not yet scheduled.

Course Materials

Students are required to supply the following:
  • BOOK: The Alchemy of Animation: Making an Animated Film in the Modern Age
    ISBN: 1423104765
    ISBN13: 9781423104766


Assignments will be given on a weekly basis. Students are recommended to dedicate a minimum of 10 hours a week reviewing lecture content and completing assignments.


Grades are given based on levels. You can learn about our grading system.

Refund Policy

Please note that courses with critiqued lessons are nonrefundable due to the limited number of seats.

Available Enrollments

    This course will be available for enrollment soon.

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