"Their expertise in the classroom has helped me gain insight for what the industry is requiring. Also what I can do to further improve myself as an artist."
Devin Coleman
"Mr. Morse, he made me feel that I could be anything if I worked at it. He always brought God into his lectures and spoke in such a way that gave reverence to our Lord for our gifts."
Anna Webb
"Working with these professors gave me the opportunity to make serious advances in my skills. Expect to experience a hands on work environment with plenty of resources to back you up along the way if you take their classes. I'm grateful for the future they've opened for me."
Farrah Pendleton
"Taren cares and has patience for students when giving one-on-one demonstrations and classroom instruction. As a student, I feel I have received the level of education I need and want."
April Webb
"I always looked forward to hearing Taren’s critiques on my work. Though sometimes tough, she’s a fair and honest professor. This makes her praises particularly meaningful and a good motivation to keep striving for more improvement."
Anna Webb
"While previously studying under the Morse’s, in comparison to other instructors I’ve had in the past, their knowledge of the art world and field are brought straight to the classroom in every aspect."
Rachel Roberts
"Mr. Morse teaches with gentle guidance. A heart-to-heart, embolden, unprejudiced manner of higher education to every single student. He uses personal experience to base his instruction and applies these appropriate criteria to the student in a clear, understandable way. I feel encouraged to excel towards higher ground."